Sunday, October 30, 2011
My Favorites!!!!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
You Don't Know Me

Friday, August 19, 2011
Three Wishes

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Lots to Say

Monday, June 27, 2011
What I know
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Guilt Ends Now
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
My Cluttered Mind
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Don't Play Me

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
It Has Been So Long!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011
For Kasi
Hasi, you will be a great mom. You are loving and caring. Your firts instinct is what is best for your child. That shows me and many others that you will be a loving, and nurturing mom. Don't let anyone else drag you down. This mom is rooting for you.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Many Thanks, Love, and Hugs
I want to thank everyone that has been praying for us. That means so much.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
A Glimpse Into My Scary Mind
Monday, April 4, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Book Review Two!

If Wish You Were Dead is an amazing book, Blood on My Hands is outstanding! The mystery along with the romantic aspect of this storyline are thrilling from start to the jaw dropping ending. Anyone that knows me for five minutes knows that I am not afraid to state my opinion whether good or bad. I truly have nothing negative to say about this book. It is a must read.
I have read many of Mr. Strasser's books, and I have enjoyed them; some more than others, but these two books will not disappoint. Mr. Strasser's writing style is at it's best. In at least one of his other books the style seemed dated and stiff, but now it seems to flow freely. These books get an A+ from this reader.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Goings On
Monday, March 14, 2011
I Did Not Stack The Deck!!!
Today, I Am Thankful
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Do You Ever?
I do.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Um...Yeah...It's Kinda Like That

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Book Reviews!!!
On a scale of 1-10 with ten being the best this is a negative 100.

This book and others written under the name of V.C. Andrews, in my opinion, are horrid. This book is laced with incest, consensual, between a brother and sister, and a grandmother that wants her grandchildren dead. It is sad because the story line in this and other books by this author are strong enough to stand on their own without the porn.
Overall, the story line is good, but the author lost major respect for making the common mistake of throwing in strong sexual content to make the book more appealing. I would never let a child of mine read anything with this author's name on it.
13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher gets an A+ from me. This book should be read by every parent and teen. I also feel that it should be required reading for every teacher and every adult working with children.
Mr. Asher has taken the subject of bullying and put it in a completely unique form. This book isn't the typical bullying is wrong approach. It's so much more than that. It is interesting, immediately draws you in, and leaves you with a stronger message than any public speaker or public service message could ever convey. This book is hauntingly well written.You truly never know what your words or actions can do to others.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First, our son has been suffering from debilitating migraines. He gets so sick from them. We are seeing specialists, and we have another appointment at the end of the month with his neurologist. His schooling is suffering, and that has me so worried. I feel so badly for him because he can't live the life of a normal, care free, teen. We are doing all we can, but he is still not well.
Second is my sweet hubby. He has epilepsy, migraines, and his last MRI showed that he is growing new and unexplained lesions in the white matter of his brain. Hopefully we'll find out what is happening to him at the end of the month. From what we have been able to find out, it could be migraine related lesions, which they don't know much about yet, or something like MS.
Then there is my dad that has just been diagnosed with either lung cancer or lymphoma. He goes to find out exactly what it is soon. I'm not ready to lose my dad. I am the baby of the family and the only girl. Needless to say I am close to my dad, and I can't imagine life without him.
Then last night we got a phone call from Adam's doctor. He had reconstructive surgery on his chest in 2005. The wires they put in his rib cage have fractured. He needs to have another surgery to remove them.
Things are stacking up. I can get things out better in writing, so this is a cathartic thing for me. Thanks for "listening".
Monday, February 21, 2011
Things I Love
My family
My home
Our Cute Little Car
Ice Cream
Music-I Have To Have Music
Sleeping In
Staying Up Late
Geico Commercials
Mayhem Commercials
Red Hair Dye :)
Early Spring
Rainy Days
Hot Cocoa
Office Supplies
Junk Food
Air Conditioning
Crispy Fries
Homemade Bread
Crisp Fall Air
Quilts From Gramma
Apple Picking
The Way Pencils and Crayons Smell
Thrift Shops
King of The Hill
Sweet Friends
Dates with My Hubby
Yankee Candles
I Spy Computer Games
Fox News
Cute Little Baby Feet
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Things That Stick
I have picked up a lot this week. I hope you will finish reading this, because they are important to me. The first thing I learned is that I have a lot to learn. I need to be more humble and prayerful. I need to stop and give thanks for my many blessings. Like everyone else, I pray for things I need or want, get caught up in my own day to day life, and forget to thank God for all that I do have.
I learned that to have a loving family and home are the most important things in this life. I learned that from an incredible author, Todd Strasser. He wrote Can't Get There From Here. I highly recommend this book. It stays with you and helps you to realize that family and home are such amazing blessings.
I also learned this week that Heavenly Father puts you in places you need to be, whether that is to learn an important lesson or to help others. I was feeling so alone today, so isolated from the world. That happens when you are dealing with a child that has ongoing health problems. Out of the blue, a sweet friend called me. She has children that have health problems as well. She could relate to everything I have been feeling. We stayed on the phone for over an hour. She listened, gave advice, helped me see things from a new perspective, and offered her help. That is exactly what I needed today.
Family first. I have learned that I need to be here in the present; in the here and now. If my child needs me, that has to come before anything else. If my dear husband needs me, that has to come first on my priority list. Other things have to fall by the wayside. I should not and must not feel guilty if I can't do all and be all. I also learned that it is okay to reach out and ask for help.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
What Annoys Me
- People That Think Shut Up is a Swear
- People That Think Suck is a Swear
- People That Think Metal is Wrong
- People That Think They Know What is Best For Other People
- Close Talkers
- Gossiping
- Judging Others
- Liars
- Snobs
- Pushy Vegetarians - Eat a Cow, You'll Feel Better
- People That Lose Weight and Push It On Others - Everyone Finds That Annoying
- Just Because You Are Older, You May not Know More Than Others
- Respect is EARNED, Not Given Because You Belong To AARP
- Double Dipping
- Let People Make Their Own Choices
- Don't Offer Your Opinion If It ISN'T Asked For!!!!
- Craving Ice Cream When There Isn't Any
- Men Blaming Women's Feelings on PMS
- Pets Are NOT Your Children-They Lick Their Butts, You Really Wanna Claim That As Your Offspring?
- People That Sneeze or Cough Into Their Hands and Then Touch You-GROSS!
- Invading Personal Space
- Don't Mess With My Family Time
It Has Been Too Long!
Adam and I have been together for more than half of my life and our bunchkins has been in our lives literally for half of my life. He is 16, and I got pregnant with him just before my 17th birthday.
I don't regret it for a moment! He is my little piece of Heaven on earth. It hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth it. We have grown up together; it's amazing and beautiful.
I know it helps that Adam and I can still remember the good and bad of being a teen. We hold nothing back. Our theory is learn from our mistakes. It's working for us. We have the greatest kid in the world!!!!!!
Another awesome thing that I want to share today is the miracle of answered prayers, and that I know that there is a loving Heavenly Father that hears His children.
I have had so many experiences that tell me that He is there for me. I have great joy in my heart at having this knowledge.
Friday, January 14, 2011
My Epiphany!
I am not a senior citizen! You would think that the fact that I am not even 35 would tip me off, but it didn't. I have been living like I should be collecting Social Security, but I am going to try to stop doing this.
Here is where my story starts. I got pregnant when I was 16, and had my bunchkins when I was 17. Tyler is now 16. I have never felt that I fit in with other moms especially at church, and now I realize that most moms that have kiddos my age are much older than I am.
My interests are very different from most other moms too. The music, movies, and other things I love are very different than older moms. I am going to try to accept and embrace my differences. I am also going to have to understand that not everyone will accept me.
I love Paramore, Evanescence, Guns 'n Roses, Skid Row, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Metallica, and Dream Theater. I love going to concerts, I love dying my hair fun colors. I am still young and I am going to act like it, and not act like I am 65 to try to fit in with the other mothers of teenagers.
I am not a soccer mom! I do not wear cardigans and have a Carol Brady cut or a poodle perm! Here's another shocker: I love that my kiddo and I are into the same stuff! We have no scheduled bed times or dinner times. We do everything as a family because we all love the same stuff! We actually tell our kiddo to turn his music up so it fills the whole freaking house!!! I am going to be myself! Like it or Lump it!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I Am Thankful
I am thankful for our wonderful son. He is 16 now, and I am blessed that he still loves to be around us. He is fun to be around, interesting to talk to, and he has a heart as big as the world. This kiddo is also so freaking smart it blows my mind.
I am so thankful for my parents. They always made sure that I had what I needed no matter how poor we were. My mom loved me through my teen pregnancy, and she is like a third parent to Tyler.
I am grateful that no matter what I have a loving Heavenly Father that sees me through all of my good and bad times. I have been through life on both sides, and it wasn't until I found the Church that my life made sense and started working. I love my Father and I know that my testimony is precious and no one cane take that from me.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Make the Miley Stop!!!!!!
Think about the bands that are missing from your playlist: Warrant, Guns and Roses, Skid Row, early Metallica, AC/DC, Quiet Riot, Motley Crue...the list is never ending! What are we teaching our children?
Dig out your old tunes for your kiddos! Educate them on classics! This world needs more Skid Row and less Miley Cyrus! Please, I am begging you, make the Miley Cyrus stop! Make the Lady Gagme Stop!!!! Teach our children about real music!!!!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Family Tradition
Anyhoo, yesterday was a good day. I helped my parents, went grocery shopping, and I was able to spend time with my hubby and son. We have a tradition where I read to them. We have created so many great memories doing this.
We started this tradition with the last Harry Potter book, and carried it through the Twilight series, Midnighter series, Gone, Hunger, and now the Uglies series. We have so many more to go through. We all love it.
I have to say that probably my favorite author right now is Scott Westerfeld. This man's imagination and writing style just blows my mind! I also love Jay Asher's book, 13 Reasons Why. I think it's a must read for parents.
Monday, January 3, 2011
My Alone Time
Why in the heck are there so many people that air their dirty laundry on national television? At least it makes for some good entertainment. It also makes you soooo grateful for the good family that you have.
Another couple of guilty pleasures that I have are Without A Trace and Criminal Minds. I love the mystery and madness! So much fun!
Next, I am going to work on my book some more. I am in the middle of a very happy chapter, and I can't wait to see how it comes out. I love my characters!
My guys are home, and so I am off to make homemade hot chocolate! YUMMY!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Trust and Thanks
When I write, I am in complete control of the characters that I create; where they go, what they say, how they say it and how they act. All of it is under my control, and they never let me down.
In the real world, where people can hurt me, I hold back. I hold everything back. I keep people at arm's length. No one but my husband knows the real me. People don't know what I have gone through in my past. They don't know what I really think or feel. The only person in this life that I trust is my husband.
That's not to say that I don't have people that I care about deeply. I do. I am just so afraid that if people know the real me, I won't be enough. People may not like me once they get to know me. In my experience people leave. They don't stick around for the long haul.
My sweet husband, son, Kim C., Sam, Rachel, Megan, and Ed are the exceptions. They like me, weirdness and all. Believe me, I have a whole lotta weird goin' on. To them I say thank you with my whole heart!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
There Are No Lemons!
I am borrowing this from Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Hello! So true! If you will, I would like to extend this working theory to people.
Now, we all come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds. We are kind of like used cars that way. We come into this world like a shiny new Rolls-Royce, but life bumps, scratches, and dings us until we end up like every other used car on the lot.
Now, just by looking at the outside of someone you can never tell what their story is. Why doesn't he smile? Why does she seem so mean? Why are they so unhappy? It isn't until you kick the tires and take a closer look on the inside does their real history come out.
So, my theory is this: Don't judge until you have all of the information. Don't chalk someone up as a lemon because they look rough and jagged on the outside. Try to love and care for each other. If we spend time trying to help others buff out their scratches and dings, ours will smooth away too.
I am the first to admit that my scratches and dings run deep. I am the freakin' Grand Canyon of dings, and if anyone were to try and bondo me right now I would probably kick them in their head. There may be a lot of people that feel the same, but keep trying. You never know when someone is ready. Don't give up or get upset if they aren't willing to let you help. Just let them know that you don't think they are a lemon.
We are all beautiful in our own way. Whether we are short, tall, fat, thin, pierced, tattooed, rich or poor we are all loved and needed. Just a thought....