This is something that people should know. Don't play me. If you say to me that you have been a terrible friend to me, chances are I will agree with you fully. So, the way to fix that is (SURPRISE) don't be a terrible friend to begin with.
Don't say you are going to do something, and then blow me off. Don't even say you will in the first place. That won't bother me.
Don't lie to me. Once that trust is broken, I don't give it again...EVER. I have enough scars inside from broken trust; I don't need anymore.
Don't treat me like crap, and then expect me to be fine with you. It's not gonna happen. If you act like you are humiliated to be around me, and you blow me off. Bite Me! It's all I have to say on this subject.
To all of you that have loved me, treated me kindly, and respected me, I love you, and I thank you!!!!!!