I posted on my FB wall a simple question: If you had three wishes what would they be? I had a lot of great replies. Now my three wishes:
1. I wish that my family had good health (I'll go ahead and stick myself in there too) I wish Tyler's migraines would be cured, and that he would never have to suffer through another one. I would wish that Adam's migraines would disappear, his epilepsy would never bother him again, his arthritis would go away, and that his breathing problems would never plague him again.
2. I wish that I could meet my favorite authors: Elizabeth Scott, Alyson Noel, Elizabeth Chandler, Scott Westerfeld, Todd Strasser, Jay Asher, Michael Grant, Jessica Verday, L.M. Momtgomery(admittedly difficult on the last one)
3. My final wish would be to be a published author. That would be a dream come true.
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