Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Cluttered Mind

I have many things to share. Just some completely random thoughts that have been floating around my cluttered mind.
I know that everyone on this revolving marble has to go through trials and tribulations. I get it. I am just so tired of seeing my sweet husband and son suffer with migraines. We are seeing neurologists, and I know that to find the right solution will take time, but it is heartbreaking when you do all you can and they still suffer.
I am so effin' tired, I could sleep for two weeks. Tyler tends to have long nights due to the migraines, and I wake up to help him. I do believe it may be catching up to me. Yeah...very tired.
I have also realized lately that I am a square peg. I know I have thought that before, but I really am. Out of my six closest friends, only two are women, and those two are just as weird as I am. I guess I just don't fit in with the "classic" woman things. I don't do shopping, spas, or shoes. (Except for books) I can't wait to go see a demolition derby, I want his and her matching four wheelers for me and my hubby, I can't wait for our picnic in the graveyard, and I am obsessed with writing. I do dye my hair weird colors, but that's for fun.
This brings me back to my last post here. My two best friends in this world are Adam and Tyler. That will never ever change. Most of the people that have let me down in my life are women. I think that's why my two close women friends mean so much to me. Megan and Kayla are so important to me. I love them and cherish their friendship. My guy close friends: Don, David, Mike, and Ed. You guys rock!
To my dear sweet family, Adam and Tyler-I love you with all of my heart, and you guys always come first.


  1. Ahhh Marie, what a sweet thing to say about your family. Through thick and thin I beleive our families will always be there to support us and back us up. I'm sure the trials are wearing and tearing you down. I don't understand why we have trials, I hate them they are hard and I wish we didn't have them. They make me feel weak instead of stronger. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I pray things will get better for you!
