I haven't blogged in such a long time. I have finished the rough draft of my novel, and have moved onto the rewrite and revision department. I love it so much!!!
I have also been doing a lot of reading on my own and with my family. As a family we are currently reading The Immortals series by Alyson Noel. She is one of my all time favorite authors. On my own I have read My Blood Approves and Fate by Amanda Hocking. She is so amazing. her books are almost impossible to put down once you start. I am blaming those books for not being closer to finishing my own novel. I've also started reading Anne Frank and Me by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld. So far an amazing read! I have also become addicted to The Hollows series by Jessica Verday.
I am really hoping that my book will get published. It is every author's dream to see their book on a shelf in a book store, or seeing it on the best seller list. I would love to know that my books make some sort of impact in this world for good. We shall see!!!!
Go, girl!