Well, once again, it has been too long since I have blogged! I have learned some things, done some stuff, and I'll tell you all about it!
I've learned that a lot of people that I thought were my friends aren't. I learned that if I had some posts on Facebook that were about some illnesses in my family or my depression, I would be either de-friended or have my status hidden. That hurt. I'm not sure how many real friends I actually have. Yeah that stung.
I have finished my book, I just have to complete the editing process. I'm both excited and nervous. I'm really hoping it does well. A very sweet friend is putting a website together for me. That is awesome! I am feeling like an expectant mother. I want my baby to be treated well. I am also tossing around the idea of trying to publish with an agent or try to go it on my own. I know that I want to publish traditionally first, and then do e-publishing second. Oy! So many decisions to make!
Much love and Hugs to those that have stood beside me through the good, bad, ugly, and pretty!! Please bring chocolate to see me through the publishing process?
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