Friday, January 14, 2011

My Epiphany!

Yes, folks, I have had an epiphany. Something clicked and I did have an epiphany. Here is what it is!

I am not a senior citizen! You would think that the fact that I am not even 35 would tip me off, but it didn't. I have been living like I should be collecting Social Security, but I am going to try to stop doing this.

Here is where my story starts. I got pregnant when I was 16, and had my bunchkins when I was 17. Tyler is now 16. I have never felt that I fit in with other moms especially at church, and now I realize that most moms that have kiddos my age are much older than I am.

My interests are very different from most other moms too. The music, movies, and other things I love are very different than older moms. I am going to try to accept and embrace my differences. I am also going to have to understand that not everyone will accept me.

I love Paramore, Evanescence, Guns 'n Roses, Skid Row, Nirvana, Janis Joplin, Metallica, and Dream Theater. I love going to concerts, I love dying my hair fun colors. I am still young and I am going to act like it, and not act like I am 65 to try to fit in with the other mothers of teenagers.

I am not a soccer mom! I do not wear cardigans and have a Carol Brady cut or a poodle perm! Here's another shocker: I love that my kiddo and I are into the same stuff! We have no scheduled bed times or dinner times. We do everything as a family because we all love the same stuff! We actually tell our kiddo to turn his music up so it fills the whole freaking house!!! I am going to be myself! Like it or Lump it!

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