Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Favorites!!!!

I wanted to help you get to know me better by sharing some of my favorite things in the UNIVERSE with you!
I love my little family with my whole heart. I gave my heart to my husband when I was sixteen, and he has cared for it ever since. I never want it back. Our son is and has always been a wonder and joy to us. He is a gift from Heavenly Father that I will forever cherish.
I am grateful for my testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I am also grateful for the role of families in His plan for us.
I love books-
Writing is my favorite thing to do.
I love birds. There is a lilac tree by our neighbor's house and I saw the two cutest birds in it yesterday. It was an aaaawwww moment.
I love cats. We only have one, my little Emily, and she is so adorable and dorky. I love that kitty!
I love babies, but they always seem to be leaking somewhere. I don't get that part, but little baby feet and bellies are the cutest!
Music is a must have in my life! I love all kinds except opera, and most classical music.
I love that my parents live so close to us. I love that I get to see them all of the time, and that they have been such an important part of Tyler's life.
I love bacon, but if I didn't I would be just plain crazy.
I love that I got to see an angel on earth through Ben Orton. That boy is so sweet, and is missed.
I love that our family is filled with love.
I love that I have an "adopted" son, and that he is such a good person!
We read as a family every night. We have shared so many good books together.
I love Christmas and Thanksgiving!
I love berries.
I love twinkle lights!
I want to snuggle with a polar bear, panda bear, and grizzly bear, but I don't see that happening anytime soon :)
I love to laugh.
I love journaling, when I remember to do it ;)
I love all animals! They are so sweet.
I love hugs.
I love the ocean.
I want to go to Ireland, and stay for a couple of months.
That's just a sampling of the things I love. I'm sure there are a lot more, but that's it for now. Love and Hugs!!!!