Sunday, December 19, 2010

Complete Randomness

I am back in the blogging world. Oh, I have blogged before! It's interesting and so amazing how we can put our thoughts out for the world to read. As I sit in my small living room with my family, listening to Evanescence, and eating chocolate, you are somewhere else in the world reading my thoughts. Pretty cool, huh?
I am a die-hard metal girl, although, like everyone else, I do have my guilty pleasures like Taylor Swift. I am hanging my head in shame...well at least it isn't Barry Manilow!
Writing is my passion. I am currently working on my first novel. Writing is a form of therapy for the writer. At least it is for me. I have noticed that it is almost as if I am standing there and saying, "Okay, here is my soul. Am I good enough for you?" Hopefully the answer will be, "Yes. You are awesome!" but you never know, right?
I love old movies! How can anyone not love Bette Davis? She completely rocked the film industry! Audrey Hepburn? Katherine Hepburn? Hello? Such awesomeness should not be allowed!
Anywho...that is just a quick snapshot of me. There will be much venting, randomness, and chocolate on this blog. Enjoy, share, and vent with me!

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