Why do you always have to pee during the good part of a movie?
What's the stuff in hi-lighters that makes them hi-light?
Why do new books smell so good?
Why do libraries always stink?
Exactly what parts of the animal are used in the making of bologna?
Why does jelly go so perfectly with peanut butter?
Who was the first person to discover PB & J?
Who was the very first person to step in gum?
Why do little kids love to pick their noses in public?
Why does Wal-Mart have a greeter?
Why do people cover their cars with bumper stickers?
Who was the first mother to shout to their child as they entered a public restroom, "Make sure you cover the seat with toilet paper"?
Who invented erasers?
Why do you always have to find out that your shoes make that weird squeaking sound when your someplace other than home?
Why do dogs turn around a few times before they finally lie down?
Who invented cereal, and then decided that it was good for breakfast?
Why do people call Saturday and Sunday the weekend, when technically Sunday is the first day of the week?
Why does chocolate taste so dang good?
Just some random questions for you to ponder. It's kind of crazy to be in my head, huh?