Monday, June 27, 2011


Why do you always have to pee during the good part of a movie?
What's the stuff in hi-lighters that makes them hi-light?
Why do new books smell so good?
Why do libraries always stink?
Exactly what parts of the animal are used in the making of bologna?
Why does jelly go so perfectly with peanut butter?
Who was the first person to discover PB & J?
Who was the very first person to step in gum?
Why do little kids love to pick their noses in public?
Why does Wal-Mart have a greeter?
Why do people cover their cars with bumper stickers?
Who was the first mother to shout to their child as they entered a public restroom, "Make sure you cover the seat with toilet paper"?
Who invented erasers?
Why do you always have to find out that your shoes make that weird squeaking sound when your someplace other than home?
Why do dogs turn around a few times before they finally lie down?
Who invented cereal, and then decided that it was good for breakfast?
Why do people call Saturday and Sunday the weekend, when technically Sunday is the first day of the week?
Why does chocolate taste so dang good?
Just some random questions for you to ponder. It's kind of crazy to be in my head, huh?

What I know

What I know is that I don't know much.
I don't know how I am going to get my book published, but I do know that I am going to work my butt off to get it done.
I don't know what I did to offend so many people, but if being accepted means I have to change who I am...It's not going to happen.
I don't know why people act one way on Sundays, and then act differently every other day of the week.
I don't know why people can be so mean.
What I do know, is that I am who I am. If you are a good friend to me, I am by your side through thick and thin.
I know that I am a wife and mother first. Everything else comes second.
I know that I am a heavy metal playing, gory sci-fi tv and movie loving, YA novel reading and writing, LDS mom and wife. That is who I am. That is who I want to be, and that is who I probably always will be.
I know that I tell it how it is. The good, bad, pretty, ugly, and everything in between. If you don't like it, you know where the off switch is. Don't let the door hit you on your rear as you leave. BTW-You won't be missed. Fair weather friends never are.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Guilt Ends Now

I think I have finally let myself see things the way they really are. I think we all sit on our high horses, having expectations that we don't meet ourselves. I am so tired of being pulled in different directions. I have put my family first, and that is what needs to be.
I used to be so afraid of letting people down all of the time. Why the crap should I care what other people think of me. My family needs me, and they are the ones that have to come before all others.
My family is going through some very trying times, and I have to be here for them. I know people don't get it, but, oh well. Heavenly Father says Family First, so Family First it is.
For those of you that don't get it. I hope you never have to see your loved ones suffering. I hope you never have to see your child miss out on so much because he is so sick. I hope you never have to see your child miss out on daily life, and have his life consist of tests, specialists, medications, and seeing his friends do what he wishes he could do. I hope you never have to see your spouse suffer through multiple surgeries, and be in constant pain.
I'm sorry if my family's trials are inconveniencing you.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


If insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, than I think most of us are in trouble. I find it funny that people do this constantly, but always seem surprised when things don't change in their lives.
There is another group of people that amaze me. It's the mindset that anything you put on Myspace, Facebook, blog, or write about has to be butterflies and sunshine. To that, I say from the rooftops, "GET REAL! GET A LIFE! REAL LIFE ISN'T LIKE THAT!" Did you hear me? Sometimes life bites, and it would be completely unrealistic to think that you can never talk about it. Yes, much of life is good, but if you can't take the fact that sometimes things suck (Gasp! Did I just say the "s" word? Why, yes, I said suck! It's not a swear, get over it people!) then you so don't live in the real world. If you happen to be going through a crappy (Gasp Again!) time then for crying out loud, let other people know. Maybe there is something that they can do to help, or maybe you can help someone else with your example.
Here is a list of words that for some reason people find offensive for no good reason. Crap, Crappy, Craptastic, Suck, Sucky, Sucked, Shut up, Bites, Flip,
Example: If you behave in a crappy manner to me, and I think it sucks, I will tell you to flippin' bite me and to shut the crap up. There is nothing wrong with that sentence. I did not swear. It was perfectly acceptable.
I realize that there are people out there that may think that my hubby and I are bad parents to our almost 18 year old son. Get ready for a collective Gasp! We watch PG-13 movies with our son, we listen to heavy metal with our son, actually we introduced him to fine bands like Metallica, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, and Evanescence and we have even introduced him to punk metal. I can almost hear the gasping from people at church. We don't have any feelings of regret as to how we have parented our child. He is an amazing kid with a stronger testimony and relationship with Heavenly Father than a whole lot of adults in the Church, and guess what so do my husband and I. In fact we have weekly Family Home Evening, DAILY Scripture Study, and Family Prayer and Personal Prayer. We are as close of a family as I have ever seen. Don't be so quick to judge us. We are doing very well.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Cluttered Mind

I have many things to share. Just some completely random thoughts that have been floating around my cluttered mind.
I know that everyone on this revolving marble has to go through trials and tribulations. I get it. I am just so tired of seeing my sweet husband and son suffer with migraines. We are seeing neurologists, and I know that to find the right solution will take time, but it is heartbreaking when you do all you can and they still suffer.
I am so effin' tired, I could sleep for two weeks. Tyler tends to have long nights due to the migraines, and I wake up to help him. I do believe it may be catching up to me. Yeah...very tired.
I have also realized lately that I am a square peg. I know I have thought that before, but I really am. Out of my six closest friends, only two are women, and those two are just as weird as I am. I guess I just don't fit in with the "classic" woman things. I don't do shopping, spas, or shoes. (Except for books) I can't wait to go see a demolition derby, I want his and her matching four wheelers for me and my hubby, I can't wait for our picnic in the graveyard, and I am obsessed with writing. I do dye my hair weird colors, but that's for fun.
This brings me back to my last post here. My two best friends in this world are Adam and Tyler. That will never ever change. Most of the people that have let me down in my life are women. I think that's why my two close women friends mean so much to me. Megan and Kayla are so important to me. I love them and cherish their friendship. My guy close friends: Don, David, Mike, and Ed. You guys rock!
To my dear sweet family, Adam and Tyler-I love you with all of my heart, and you guys always come first.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Don't Play Me

This is something that people should know. Don't play me. If you say to me that you have been a terrible friend to me, chances are I will agree with you fully. So, the way to fix that is (SURPRISE) don't be a terrible friend to begin with.
Don't say you are going to do something, and then blow me off. Don't even say you will in the first place. That won't bother me.
Don't lie to me. Once that trust is broken, I don't give it again...EVER. I have enough scars inside from broken trust; I don't need anymore.
Don't treat me like crap, and then expect me to be fine with you. It's not gonna happen. If you act like you are humiliated to be around me, and you blow me off. Bite Me! It's all I have to say on this subject.
To all of you that have loved me, treated me kindly, and respected me, I love you, and I thank you!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It Has Been So Long!!!!

I haven't blogged in such a long time. I have finished the rough draft of my novel, and have moved onto the rewrite and revision department. I love it so much!!!
I have also been doing a lot of reading on my own and with my family. As a family we are currently reading The Immortals series by Alyson Noel. She is one of my all time favorite authors. On my own I have read My Blood Approves and Fate by Amanda Hocking. She is so amazing. her books are almost impossible to put down once you start. I am blaming those books for not being closer to finishing my own novel. I've also started reading Anne Frank and Me by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld. So far an amazing read! I have also become addicted to The Hollows series by Jessica Verday.
I am really hoping that my book will get published. It is every author's dream to see their book on a shelf in a book store, or seeing it on the best seller list. I would love to know that my books make some sort of impact in this world for good. We shall see!!!!