Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Glimpse Into My Scary Mind

Random Thought: I have rediscovered my love for Hole. Courtney Love is awesome. I love her vocals, and her style is great. I have to admit that I have some weird likes in music and just about everything else, but hey, it's the way I am. Random Thought: I happen to think that there was so much more to Marilyn Monroe than what Hollywood did to her. They made their money turning her into a vapid moron, but in reading some things she has had to say, there was so much more going on than what was seen on the surface. No, I don't think her death was a suicide, and Yes, I do think that the Kennedy family was involved. Random Thought: If I have to see another add for the Twilight movies, I will seriously puke. How can crappy acting bring in so much money? BTW-What the heck was with the Team Edward and Team Jacob crud? Hello! Read the books; the ending has already been decided. Random Thought: Have you ever noticed just how yummy chocolate and peanut butter are together. In candy or cereal form-YUMMAY!!! Random Thought-Spring is coming, and I hate bugs. Yuck! Random Thought-I hate it when my stacks of books are out of order. Random Thought-I have three huge book cases, and they are overflowing onto other flat surfaces, and I will never get rid of any of them. Random Thought-Oatmeal is yummy! Random Thought-I want to see Metallica in concert sooooo badly! Random Thought-I love the show Bones. So gross and soooo cool! Random Thought-I always trade silverware with Adam at a restaurant.