Sitting here at my desk, I just decided to write and see where the words take me. There are many things in my life that I am forever grateful for: my family, my dear sweet husband that means more to me than mere words can ever express.
The love we have has grown through good and bad times, has withstood the test of time, and has been a stabling force in the turmoil that my brain puts me through on a daily basis. He will never know how I look up to him, how his words can put a smile on my heart and a spring in my step.
I am forever grateful for Tyler and his example. He hurts on a daily basis, but he never asks why me. He has a heart as big as the great outdoors. If people would give him a chance, they would get to know a loving, honest, caring, and giving person that amazes me constantly.
I'm not saying these things just because I am so deeply in love with my family. These people amaze me and fill me with a joy that I have to admit that I am at a loss to convey.
They put up with my book addiction, and my writing. They are my biggest fans. They have no doubt that I'll be published, and when the task seems insurmountable, they build me up and let me know that I can do it. My book addiction has grown to four filled bookcases in our small home, and we are planning to add another for the books that have no home right now. Yes, my family not only puts up with this, they support it.
Our family is a bit strange. We are Star Trek fans-diehards, we love heavy metal, we read as a family together, we are best friends, and we like the same things.
We are there for the good and bad times, just like a family should. We treasure each other, and that's the way it should be.
Now for some other things. I am trying a new healthy living lifestyle, and it's really working. I'm eating healthier, and trying to figure out what to do about exercise. Any ideas for a beginner would be appreciated. Just keep in mind that I am agoraphobic, so going out for a walk is impossible right now.
To all of the people that have a place in my heart: Rachel S., Sam, Brittni E., Erica P., Nicole S.
, and and everyone else I am forgetting, I love you.