Friday, January 17, 2014

Please Be Kind

We are a family in physical pain. Adam has Metabolic Myopathy. It's non treatable, and he is in constant pain. He tries to put on a brave face to the world, but his pain is constant and sometimes unbearable.

Tyler has daily migraines that leave him unable to function in the world. We have tried almost every possible treatment, and are now working on herbal treatments.

I have blogged about my own emotional problems in the past. You can read about them in my older posts.

Needless to say, we have our hands full. Understanding why we can't get to church, or other functions would be appreciated.

Things not to say to people that are in our situation:

1. Get out. You'll feel better.
2. Just shake it off.
3. It's good to see you. You must be feeling better.
4. Have you gone to the doctor?
5. You need to be out with friends.
These are just some of the things that shouldn't be said to people in our situation. We do the best we can. 

We know that this has been going on for a while, and to the outside world it may seem impossible to believe. However, we are dealing with the situation the best we can. We know that we are being tried and tested for a reason, and we will and are being blessed for what we are going through.

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