Monday, March 14, 2016

My Journey

It has been a long time since I have put up a post. I plan to keep posting, so I hope you all like what I have to say!

This journey with mental illness has taught me many things. Being able to admit that I had a problem was the first step. I have many emotional issues, and my church family saw me spiral down personally.

I didn't quite know everything that was wrong, but going to get help was very enlightening. I have agoraphobia, depression, panic and anxiety, and OCD. Being able to admit this to the world isn't easy, but if anyone that happens to drop by and see themselves and get the help they need then it was worth putting myself out there.

In my downward spiral I hurt some people. That still gets to me even though I have apologized. I wasn't able to cope, and I was hypersensitive. I hurt others with my words, and for that I will always be sorry.

I have been seeing an amazing therapist, Heather Tolson, for a while, and before her I saw Jennifer Jackes. I have learned a lot about myself, my emotional issues, coping skills, and exactly what happens in the brain when these issues come up.

I want to be able to get back to church. That is one of the goals that my therapist and I have outlined. I want to feel safe leaving my home, and I want to be able to have people over, and not have a breakdown after. These are just a few of my goals. They will be met!

I made the choice to go back to school. I am doing an online program to help me with my writing skills. This is a huge leap for me. I can't wait to start, and sink my teeth into my courses. I have had so much support and encouragement along the way.

I hope if you struggle with depression or any other type of illness you will reach out and get help. It will only help. If you are reading this, and I have hurt you in any way please know how sorry I am.

This has been my journey thus far. I look forward to the rest of my journey!

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