Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Venting and Crud

Okay folks, I'm in venting mode. Unfortunately, I did not come equipped with a shut up button, so "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."

I love my life. I love being a wife, lover, my husband's soft place to fall, mother, author, friend, daughter, and all of the other things that I am. I love all of it! I really do.

Now here is where things get a little tricky. This is what I don't like. I don't like one way friendships. If all you want from me is to suck the life out of me, please leave me alone. I understand that at different times friendships need more of a give and take in them. I get it. I am talking about the ones where I do all the giving and they do all the taking.

I am also not fond of people questioning my parenting skills; especially by people that have no children! I am a good mother. Our son has some ongoing health issues. Which would be why he has seen a neurologist since he was 12. These issues are a major reason why we home school. In a perfect world our son would not get sun sickness, migraines, (it has actually been a few days since he has had one!) and other health concerns. Then he would be able to go to Scout Camp and High Adventure! We do not keep him from these things because we want to be mean. He has health issues! Get that through your brain!!!!

I am so sorry that my health issues keep me from being at your beck and call. I am sorry that I can't be at every function that is thrown. Again-there are reasons why! I am not stuck up, I am not rude (except maybe right now) nor am I heartless. I have feelings too. When you treat me like I am invisible, yes, it does hurt. When I am overlooked and treated like I don't belong (WOW! BIG SHOCKER COMING UP!) it does hurt. So, please remember that I have feelings too and a heart that can hurt.

My last rant-My husband is an incredible hubby and dad! He loves and cares for us. He does everything he can to make our lives happy. He is my heart, and if you mess with him, be fully prepared to take me on as well!

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