Thursday, April 28, 2011

Many Thanks, Love, and Hugs

There would never be enough room on Facebook to say thank you, and to express my love and gratitude to everyone that has been helping us.

I want to thank everyone that has been praying for us. That means so much.

We have the best cooks in Laconia Ward. Thank you to the Tilley Family, The Presby Family, The Swain Family, and The Lewis Family for the best dinners in the world!!!! Thank you Bonnie for the Easter dinner. When we have more energy we will devour that ham!

Thanks to the sweet Hanson Family for the Easter Eggs! They are so beautiful, and I would love to know how you guys knew that I adore dragonflies and butterflies!!!!

The offers for help have touched my heart. There have been so many. Thanks so much!!!

Erica has worked so hard to make sure we have been taken care of, and you will never know how much that has meant to all of us.

Adam has a long road ahead of him, and Tyler does too. Adam tends to put on a tough face for others, but he pretty much is home bound for now. He spends his days healing on the couch. He gets on the computer about once a day. That hurts him, but he would go crazy without the distraction. Tyler starts his journey next month with the doctors at DHMC. He is wearing his sunglasses in the house, throwing up, and dealing with his pain. I am just so glad that he has the meds he has to get him through.

My heart is sending all of you wonderful people love and hugs for the help you have given us. I want you to know how much we appreciate all that you have done for us.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Glimpse Into My Scary Mind

Random Thought: I have rediscovered my love for Hole. Courtney Love is awesome. I love her vocals, and her style is great. I have to admit that I have some weird likes in music and just about everything else, but hey, it's the way I am. Random Thought: I happen to think that there was so much more to Marilyn Monroe than what Hollywood did to her. They made their money turning her into a vapid moron, but in reading some things she has had to say, there was so much more going on than what was seen on the surface. No, I don't think her death was a suicide, and Yes, I do think that the Kennedy family was involved. Random Thought: If I have to see another add for the Twilight movies, I will seriously puke. How can crappy acting bring in so much money? BTW-What the heck was with the Team Edward and Team Jacob crud? Hello! Read the books; the ending has already been decided. Random Thought: Have you ever noticed just how yummy chocolate and peanut butter are together. In candy or cereal form-YUMMAY!!! Random Thought-Spring is coming, and I hate bugs. Yuck! Random Thought-I hate it when my stacks of books are out of order. Random Thought-I have three huge book cases, and they are overflowing onto other flat surfaces, and I will never get rid of any of them. Random Thought-Oatmeal is yummy! Random Thought-I want to see Metallica in concert sooooo badly! Random Thought-I love the show Bones. So gross and soooo cool! Random Thought-I always trade silverware with Adam at a restaurant.

Monday, April 4, 2011


It's two o'clock in the afternoon, I just finished my breakfast, and I am still in my pajamas. Yup, it was a rough night. - Thankfully, Tyler's neurologist is a very good friend to our family, and we are able to call him on his cell or at home. Well, Friday everything sort of came crashing down around us. He had been putting in weeks of horrid daily migraines and vomiting. I called our fave doc in the world on his cell, and he had us take Tyler to the ER for blood work and dehydration. He was concerned because Tyler had taken 8 mg of Zofran and was still vomiting. This is a drug that they would give to chemo patients to control their nausea. He had lost over 20 pounds in a little over a month. Freaking SCARY! - We brought Tyler in and it took two nurses about half an hour to be able to get his IV in. OUCH! They administered Compazine for the nausea and migraine pain, but within minutes, Tyler was having a nasty reaction. He was combative, angry and restless. I went to the nurses' station and told them what was happening, and the doctor and a nurse came in right away. They gave him Benadryl through his IV and explained that he was having Dystonia because of the Compazine. Apparently it happens in one out of twenty patients. It was scary as heck. Thankfully the Benadryl helped, and he was able to calm down. - After that wonderfully jarring experience, they gave him a pain med that could knock over a horse. He actually had two days with hardly any pain, and no nausea! Then in the middle of the night his migraine spiked, and he is in pain today. He is resting now, and my heart is so sad for him. He had two days of feeling well, just to be blindsided by horrible pain again. - In all of this I have learned a few lessons. - 1. Cherish the good times. - 2. No one can understand what you are going through unless they have had a sick child as well. - 3. Times like these can strengthen your faith, or make you bitter. I am choosing to strengthen my faith. - There have been a couple shining examples for me. Tyler's faith hasn't been shaken. He has a strong testimony and belief in our Heavenly Father. We prayed and prayed that the nurses would be able to get his IV in, and they were able to. That was a huge blessing. Tyler's friend Trevor has been pulling for him, and none of us will ever forget that. Our new Home Teacher, Matt, has shown so much love and concern for Tyler as well. That touched my heart. - When you go through things like this, it is the little things that matter most. Someone dropping a dinner by or a phone call. If we say no, now is not a good time to come by, please don't get offended, Tyler has to be our first priority now, and we may have put in a rough day, night, or both. We may still be in our jammies and eating breakfast at two in the afternoon. This is hard for all of us, and we are just trying to hold on, hang in, and get through this.